Brad Nunnally
Senior Director of User Experience
Brad Nunnally is the Senior Director of User Experience at Intellibridge and a co-author of “Designing The Conversation: Techniques for Successful Facilitation” for New Riders (Voices That Matter) and “UX Research: Practical Techniques for Designing Better Products” for O’Reilly Media.

Margot Bloomstein
Brand & Content Strategy Consultant
Appropriate, Inc.
Margot Bloomstein is a speaker, strategic adviser, and the principal of Appropriate, Inc., a brand and content strategy consultancy. For two decades, she’s helped organizations improve communication through brand-driven content strategy.

Jared Spool
Founder & Co-Founder
User Interface Engineering & Centre Center
Jared Spool is the founder of User Interface Engineering (UIE), the largest usability research organization of its kind in the world. If you’ve ever seen Jared speak about usability, you know that he’s probably the most effective and knowledgeable communicator on the subject today.