Brian Lee
Brian is the Lead Android Engineer at Trunk Club, helping Trunk Club members get an awesome styling experience from their stylists. He is passionate about mobile technology and user experience, and you might run into him in design meetups or Android meetups in Chicago. He has been working on Android since its early days, witnessing its evolution from Cupcake to Lollipop. Brian was previously at Motorola working on the Android Platform, and then at Orbitz building multi-brand Android apps.
For more, keep up with Brian on Twitter as @tig3rpenguin.
UX Camp 2015: Mobile Camp
Android: Be Together. Not the Same.
It shouldn’t really matter if an app’s running on Android, iOS, or web. Each app should work together to provide a seamless experience to the user. But this doesn’t mean that they should be the same. We should embrace the platform and take advantage of the unique features that each platform provides.
In this session, we will go over some main concepts and elements that are unique to Android. We will identify the difference between dp and pixels, explore back buttons and app navigation, and highlight some cool features that exist in Android. I will also share what worked out great when working together with designers, based on my experience as an Android developer.