Tent Talks – Steve Portigal: Interviewing Users

Interviewing Users

Tent Talks Featuring Steve Portigal: Interviewing Users

On Monday, November 20th at 5:00pm Central, Steve Portigal. joins us for a live Q&A session: “Steve Portigal: Interviewing Users.”

Steve Portigal

Steve Portigal is an experienced user researcher who helps organizations to build more mature user research practices. Based outside of San Francisco, he is principal of Portigal Consulting, and has conducted research with thoracic surgeons, families eating breakfast, rock musicians, home-automation enthusiasts, credit-default swap traders, and real estate agents. His work has informed the development of professional audio gear, wine packaging, medical information systems, design systems, video-conferencing technology, and music streaming services.

He is the author of three books: the classic Interviewing Users: How To Uncover Compelling Insights (now in a second edition). and Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batteries: User Research War Stories. He’s also the host of the Dollars to Donuts podcast, where he interviews people who lead user research in their organizations.

About Tent Talks

Chicago Camps hosts irregularly scheduled Tent Talks with people from all across the User Experience Design community, and beyond. Who really likes limits, anyway–If it’s a cool idea, we’d love to hear about it and share it!

What is a Tent Talk? That’s a great question, we’d love to tell you.

Tent Talks are short-form in nature, generally lasting from 10-20 minutes (ish) in a recorded format–we like to think of them as “S’mores-sized content” because that’s pretty on-brand. Tent Talks can be a presentation on a topic, a live Q&A session about the work we do, or the work around the work we do, or really just about anything–we don’t want to limit ourselves, or you.

You should send along an idea or topic of your own so we can learn from you, as well! You don’t have to be a published author or a professional speaker on a circuit to be good at your job, so please, put yourself forward, and let’s have some fun, talk, and share your experience with others!

Event Details
Tent Talks Tickets
Limited Availability

Join the session and listen in - feel free to ask your own questions, as well!

Steve Portigal
Steve Portigal
Author & User Researcher
Portigal Consulting
Steve Portigal is an experienced user researcher who helps organizations to build more mature user research practices.

Steve Portigal joins us for a live Q&A session: “Interviewing Users.”

Tent Talks Tickets
Limited Availability

Join the session and listen in - feel free to ask your own questions, as well!

Event Details
October 2024