Adam McCrimmon
Adam’s passion is the exciting world of Tabletop Gaming! In 2016 he co-founded XYZ Game Labs and created the card game called RobotLab with his team. He currently spends most weekends playing, talking about or designing tabletop and board games.
For more, keep up with Adam at about.me/amccrim or on Twitter as @McAtoms.
Leadership By Design 2018
A Tale of Two Kickstarters
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take your big idea and run a Kickstarter campaign? Have you ever wondered why the heck those Kickstarters you funded took so long, didn’t deliver as expected, or in general frustrated you?
I’m going to walk you through what it’s like to go through our first Kickstarter–and share with you all the things we learned along the way. By the time this event happens, we’ll have also gone through a second campaign, and if it’s successful or fails dramatically, I’ll have even more of a story to share!
UX Camp 2014: Mobile Camp
Device-ism: Overcoming the Small Screen “Problem”
In this talk I’ll make the case for embracing mobile as an opportunity not just a constraint. Using real world examples and data on mobile usage patterns, I’ll demonstrate the prominence and effect of ‘device deserts’ and the importance of considering intent, not just context when creating mobile experiences.
Working with marketing departments day to day I regularly run into the misconception that mobile experiences should be less robust than their non-mobile equivalents. Often this idea is expressed by someone saying “People won’t do that on a phone.” This talk will explore why this is a short-sided argument that is as silly as saying “People from Kansas aren’t interested in skiing.”
As mobile strategists we spend a lot of time talking about context when it’s really user intent that drives interaction. It doesn’t matter where someone is or what device is near them, they still want the same stuff. If we can embrace intent over context, we will better understand what users really need from their small screens.
UX Camp 2012: Prototype Camp
PDF = Prototype
Providing clients with wireframe and design PDFs is common place. But those flat files generally aren’t very good at giving them a sense of what it’s like to use your awesomely planned site/app/etc. No matter what program you use to make your PDF there’s a quick and easy way to turn it into a prototype. In fact–We’ll make one in 20 min or less.
And in turn you’ll help clients see the importance of wireframes in the creative process and help them to understand that the content and functionality drives the design. Not the other way around.