Daniel Orbach
Daniel brings an affinity for math and science to his process as designer. He takes a systemic, strategic approach to solving digital design problems, and the variety of projects he worked on before joining Moment – from warehouse optimization to homes of the future – illustrate the adaptability of his techniques. At Moment, he has led workshops in tech education and designed product and tools used in retail banking.
For more, keep up with Daniel at danielorbach.com or on Twitter as @orbachdl.
UX Camp 2017
The Journey to a Better Bar Graph
How do you take something like a basic bar graph and make it beautiful without making it overly complex, or worse, misleading? Thinking about well-designed data visualization often conjures images of complex charts whose beauty lies in the dense texture of the data they bring to life. However, these visualizations are often lacking when it comes to being easily read and consumed by another human being.
In this talk, I’ll discuss how to meet in the middle by visualizing information in an intuitive, but also beautiful way. We’ll walk through a brief history of data visualization and look at various types of graphs and charts as well as ways of getting visualizations “past default.” Attendees will walk away with a better understanding of why graphs are the way they are, the parts you can keep and the parts you can change, and a framework that can be used right away to create more compelling visualizations in their everyday work.